Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Open lines of communication

Yesterday I had a conversation with one of my colleagues about an online school called Georgia Cyber Academy. He worked there before coming to DHS this year. As some of you know, I am beginning to look at some new directions for work. Even considering looking for some alternative work options put a knot in my stomach, but I feel that it may be time for a change. I love my job at DHS, and do not really want to leave, but also know that I need to start considering ways to work closer to home. I have been looking at lots of online jobs, and finally decided that I should get some information for teaching online. 

My colleague gave me clear details about job expectations, as well as pros and cons for working at an online school. He shared with me areas that he felt would be a strength for me, as also explained the rather steep initial learning curve. I am grateful for his honesty about the job that I applied for. Although I have decided to continue with the application process, he helped prepare me with some questions if the company decides they are interested in interviewing.