Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuckered out Tuesday

Today I am grateful that Russell was not into naps at daycare. He was so sleepy that he slept all the way through the gridlock that began in Decatur. The bottom picture is not the actual traffic I was in, but is a picture of GA 400 during rush hour.


  1. Claire, could you drive me around during rush hour? I always sleep best in a car.

    :-) xoxo.

  2. Ha ha ha, Emily! Claire, 400 is possibly my least favorite strip I asphalt in the land: I don't see how you possibly use it on a daily basis! Good luck this afternoon!

  3. Hehe! Emily, I'd be happy to drive you around for nap-time. Becky, I think my least favorite part of my afternoon drive goes from Ashford-Dunwoody on 285 through the North Springs Marta station on 400. Today was not too bad. Luckily I found out that the gas main leak was still an issue and gridlocking Decatur again, so I went through Avondale to the 285 entrance by the jail.
