Sunday, January 19, 2014

Gem of a gym

I was homesick for many things when I moved to Wilmington. I missed my family, all of my lovely friends, my neighborhood, my favorite restaurants, and the gym. I adjusted to life in Wilmington and although I did still miss much about Atlanta, I realized that I would visit often and that friends and family would visit me! I found new restaurants to frequent and new activities to do. I even found a great barn for Belle!

But the gym situation was seriously lacking. I did a trial of several gyms in town and ended up joining a gym across the street from where I work. It was ok but I was never too excited about going there. Actually, it was a pretty crappy gym, outdated, and they kept canceling their Body Pump classes.

I got a Christmas present when O2 Fitness opened their second Wilmington location within walking or running distance of my house last month!

Today I am so grateful for my new gym! I went to yoga this morning as my leg has been hurting and I am taking a few days off from running. Yoga was a blast! The gym offers Body Pump classes almost every day, as well as a pretty comprehensive schedule of other fitness classes. The employees and members are super friendly. I can only hope that I feel as at home at my new gym as I did at the Decatur/DeKalb YMCA--so far things are looking great!


  1. Looks like a nice gym, and having it so close to your house is really convenient!

  2. Yay! I agree: that first Wilmington gym's Body Pump class was seriously lacking. Miss you oodles!
