Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mt. McCarty reaches new heights

Yes... this is a picture of the mounds of laundry that resulted from a week without a working dryer. About a month ago, Paul and I were offered a lightly used dryer to upgrade our current dryer. We were only asked to pay $50, so needless to say, Paul and I were excited to start using a hopefully more efficient dryer. Last Saturday Paul and a friend moved out the old dryer, and in the new dryer. After getting it installed, they found that it ran, but did not put out any heat... definitely a problem. Paul spent Saturday evening and Sunday researching possible problems, and ordered a new part that hopefully would fix the issue. Thankfully, my mom and dad took a huge basket of laundry to their house last Sunday in hopes of putting dent in the already growing pile of laundry, which I lovingly call, "Mt. McCarty."

Unfortunately, the new part did not fix the problem, and we had to switch back to the original dryer. As I gradually broke down Mt.McCarty throughout the day today, I recognized my first gratitude topic. The original dryer that Paul and I have is nothing fancy. It was the first purchase that we made after returning from our honeymoon; also with mounds of laundry. Although it is not the most efficient dryer, nor does it have any fancy settings, it works. After going through a week without a working dryer, and feeling my stress build as the mounds grew, I am grateful that I could finally start to deconstruct Mt. McCarty today. On a deeper level, as I folded the loads and loads of laundry, I began to reflect that I am even more grateful about the fact that we have enough clothes, towels, etc. to build a mountain of laundry throughout a week.


  1. I am thankful for my dryer daily and that is without a child or a husband to help create mountains of laundry! Congrats on the progress.

  2. There is nothing worse that a pile of laundry! Seeing our dirty clothes pile up gives me anxiety on a daily basis. I hate all steps involving laundry - from putting it in the washer/dryer, to folding and to then (dread) having to put it all away. And I don't have baby clothes to deal with! You are super mom. :)
