The morning commute.
I am thankful for my morning commute. Each day I go to work at an offensive hour, in doing so I don't have to fight any traffic and am only on the road with serious go-get 'em drivers. I don't run into the common a-hole riding in the left lane going 55 mph on 285 and there are hardly any big rigs.
This is only one of the many reasons while I've grown to enjoy my commute. In my profession there is no such thing as down time. None. Zilch. Zero. Even when I give an exam I'm running around like a headless chicken answering questions or easing concerns of sub-par grades. The twenty to thirty minute commute gives me time for quiet reflection, time to myself, listen to my iPod, or talk radio; basically whatever I want.
I also use this time to figure out what the hell I'm doing with any given day when I've made lackluster lessons or what I thought would work doesn't. I'm sure there will be a time when I hope to work for a school right in my backyard or eventually move closer to my school, but for now this commute is just perfect for me. Becky swears given my both of my "serious" jobs have been in Dunwoody I'm destined to live there....I think not, we'll see.
I also find my morning commute almost enjoyable. I love the time to reflect about my coming day. Dunwoody wouldn't be a bad choice for living ;-p We'd almost be neighbors!!