Monday, February 10, 2014

Saved by the "bull"

A good friend once semi-facetiously told me, "congratulations for letting sunshine and puppies into your life!" While this may make me seem like a wholehearted miser I swear I'm just a little cynical and set in my ways. I admit, there was a time when I hated the beach and I time when puppies disgusted and frightened me.  The beach is still a little too hot and sandy for my comfort, but I have recently become the most dog-tolerant and one of the most dog-loving people on the planet. I happily wear spiky, white hairs on all of my mostly-black clothing, I frequently welcome a 60-pound, furry creature into my bed, and I regularly speak in baby talk to animals of all sorts! I found Sugar Mama on the side of the road one month after my brother died and a few months before one of the worst imaginable relationships ended, a time when I really needed something to love.  In learning to take care of Mama, I learned to take care of myself again, and while having a feisty, enormous, pit-bully dog is a huge responsibility and chore, I am grateful everyday that I can see her happy face and be reminded of how far I have come.

If you'd like to watch her at daycare before 6:30, here you go!


  1. Again, isn't Cynthia next, not me. You're such an amazing writer I feel like you're talking to me.

  2. Ha! I am writing just to you, Marian. Thank you, shorty.

  3. I'm a little teary over here in Roswell. What a beautiful post, Becky! I am so glad you and Sugar Mama found each other. One of my favorite things about dogs is that they love so easily and wholly. I'm glad that Sugar Mama is such a energetic and sweet pup!

  4. Becky, I LOVE that you love animals! They bring a type of love into your hear that is truly unconditional and mutual. Maggie is also impressed that you not only love Mama, but all adorable pups. xoxo
