Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow in Chapel Hill

I am in Chapel Hill tonight with my mom. I have a follow up MRI and visit with my favorite neurosurgeon tomorrow--praying that I get some good news!! I picked my mom up at the airport in Raleigh and it started snowing! It was quite beautiful. We walked to dinner in the snow but at that point it was just really cold. Today I am grateful for the gorgeous snow. i hoping that my providers and all of the hospital employees have a safe commute in the morning.❄


  1. Snow! We didn't get any in Decatur. I wouldn't mind a very light snow. Good luck with the follow-up! Keep us posted.

  2. I could use some snow, but our Michigan friend is super sick of it up there. Glad you had some quality time with your mom!

  3. I will send all of you some snow. Take it all!
