I must admit I love gifts, but I especially appreciate presents when they are spontaneous and uncalled for. Today I went to my Dad's house to wait for his housekeeper as April is his busy work season and he doesn't have his usual Wednesday morning off. To my extreme delight, I was greeted by a shiny, flourecsent pair of New Balances. I mentioned my need of new running/walking shoes to Walt, and when he saw the ones I'd looked at on his computer he ordered them for me without my knowledge. After the maids left and I worked on my other blog for a while, I wanted to test out my new kicks, so I laced up and moseyed on down to the Decatur square. I also took my phone with me so I could test out my new pedometer app that is inspired my Cathy's use of FitBit! I had a great walk, and got to notice all the beauty of Decatur flora and fauna. My Mom always used to say how Decatur looks like a fairyland in the Spring and she was right. Yellow daffodils (or jonquils!), fluffy dogwoods, and sprays of whatever tiny, purple flower grow close to the ground were everywhere, making my walk that much more fun. While I don't actually live in Decatur (yet), I am grateful to be in a beautiful place with fabulous new shoes and a Dad I love who stills spoils me at the tender age of 31.
So sweet of Walt!