Thursday, March 6, 2014

Animal memes..."pun" times

I know that some consider puns the lowest form of humor, but I just can't get enough of them. When I need a good belly-ache inducing laugh, I find some animal themed memes, which, often include puns. I enjoy the animal themed ones the most because of the hilarious facial expressions.  Today I needed a good laugh to relieve some of the stress from my week, so I found my favorite meme (see the top left picture), as well as a new meme (see Hawkward).

Paul also knows how easily tickled I am by these sorts of memes, so he often sends me texts with a few. He does this especially when he knows that I am having a stressful day or week at work. I am grateful that he knows how to make me laugh... or to be totally honest, guffaw. I am even more grateful that he knows that laughter is probably my favorite remedy to feelings of stress, and that even though he doesn't get as much of a kick out of the animal memes, he searches new ones out for me.

Paul sent me the perm meme last Spring sometime. It is still my favorite. I know it may sound strange, but I think about this meme at least every other week, and have a little chuckle. I think it's the cats face that gets me.

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