Thursday, March 20, 2014

Family & Friends

Sorry I have been slacking on my blog posts this week.  It has been a rough week - on Tuesday, some things happened at work and I do not work there anymore (i.e., I don't have a job anymore).  It was devastating at first, but I am trying to view this as a fresh start, as an opportunity to go to the next level in my career.  

When something like this happens, the first people you reach out to are your family and your friends.  I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful support system.  Kind words, prayers, hugs, wine and a yummy dinner (thanks, Marian!) from family and friends has had an immeasurable effect on my attitude and motivation.

It's times like these that lead you to count your blessings and focus on the things in life that really matter.  

Have a blessed day!

Monday, March 17, 2014


I am grateful for college basketball today!!  This is just about my favorite time of the year!  

During my lunch break, I have been reading sports blogs, filling out my bracket and listening to sports radio. Kentucky (my home state team and alma mater) has a rough go of it this year - our region is probably the most stacked of all the regions (we always get a raw deal in tournament selection).  Check out the history contained in our region:

  • Duke - the shot heard 'round the world!!!  Christian Laettner makes the game winning shot in overtime during the 1992 Final Four.  He still won't stop for gas or to use the facilities if traveling by car through the state of Kentucky.  SMART MAN.  the shot heard round the world
  • Louisville - our in-state rival and the defending national champion.  We beat them on our home court back in December. We also beat them in the tournament on our way to win the 2012 National Championship.
  • Michigan - Met last in the 1993 Final Four, Michigan wins in overtime.  Michigan goes on to lose to UNC in the championship game and later had all its victories for that season vacated.
  • UMASS - Met last in the 1996 Final Four, UK went on to win the championship that year.  Also formerly coached by our current coach, John Calipari.
The Cats take the court against Kansas State in St. Louis at 9:40pm on Friday - make sure you tune in!  

I'm off to study my bracket some more . . . gotta win that $1,000,000,000 Warren Buffet is giving away.

GO CATS!!!  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Bachelorette Fun!

In Asheville celebrating the union of Diane and Jay! Had a lovely spa afternoon with the bride to be and the other maid of honor--my sisters! Picture to come!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I love coming home from a long day to delicious leftovers!

Cooked this the other evening--added some kale. So good when I got home after 8 tonight!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Faith and Prayer

This is a bit of a serious blog entry for me but it definitely reflects what I am grateful for today and every day.

As some of you know, I have made the decision to have surgery to remove my acoustic neuroma. I am scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, which means that at this time in 4 weeks you should all be receiving an email or text update that I am out of surgery and I will be partying in the ICU for the evening!

My journey with my acoustic neuroma probably started many years ago. I lost my balance and fell off my horse in 2008. I was super dizzy at Claire's wedding in 2009. I went home from work early because I was so dizzy one day in later in 2009 and had a workup with a ENT physician and a totally normal hearing test. The dizziness came and went and for a while I felt pretty good and attributed it to anxiety. I fell while out for a run and broke my arm in 2012. On my birthday in 2012 my co-workers decorated my desk with bandaids, caution tape, and a walker because that summer and fall I kept coming to work with cuts and bruises from falling off my bike (they still apologize for this but I say it was quite funny--we all thought I was clumsy, not that I had a brain tumor!).

But my journey really started a year ago on St Patrick's Day when I ended up in the ER after a half marathon with the migraine of my life. My symptoms of headaches and dizziness had gotten much worse about six months before and I knew that if any else happened I was going back to the doctor about these symptoms to see if anyone could figure out why I was feeling so lousy.

I had a normal CT scan and I went home from the ER with a diagnosis of dehydration.

I followed up with my primary care physician the next day. He had the genius idea to refer me to a neurologist. I had an eye exam and tried a couple of different things for my headaches before my neurologist ordered an MRI. We were both expecting it to be normal and a huge waste of resources. I got the call on June 7 at 6:30 pm after my MRI, a Valium to relax during the procedure, and a glass of wine at dinner, that I had what was suspected to be an acoustic neuroma and that I needed another MRI. I was quite relaxed at that point (Valium and wine will do that to you!) and I still did not get too concerned.

I had the repeat MRI on June 17. I happened to read over the MRI tech's shoulder that my first MRI showed a 3 cm growth in my head. That was probably the first time that it really hit me that whatever was going on was not good. I had follow up with my neurologist that Friday, at which point she told me that I had an acoustic neuroma or vestibular schwannoma (I actually sat in her office and asked her to spell it), called her neurosurgeon friend in town, and arranged for me to see him that same morning. On the way out of the office she said "good luck."

By the grace of God the neurosurgeon in Wilmington referred me to my future neurosurgeon and otolaryngologist (ear/throat dr) at Chapel Hill. After a pretty anxiety provoking summer I had surgery and a very healthy recovery.

I was really contemplating about all of my blessings and all that I am grateful for in regards to surgery during my run today. I am thankful that I can work out and essentially "train" for surgery. I am thankful that I am young and healthy. I am thankful that this was diagnosed while I was in North Carolina because my providers at UNC are an ace team. I am forever grateful for the support of my family and friends (especially y'all!!) and all of the prayers that are coming to me from around the country and the world.

Today on my run though I started to think about how grateful I am for my own faith. The events of the past year have really deepened my faith and my relationship with God. Although I have periods of feeling anxious, I am actually at peace with my decision to proceed with surgery. By relying on my faith I am able to hand over some of my anxieties to a great God who has provided for every blessing that I have had and that I do have and every blessing in life that I have to look forward to.

Please keep me in your thoughts, prayers, and meditations during this next month and during my recovery. Please pray for my overall safety during surgery, for preservation of my facial nerve (I want to be able to move my face when all of this is done!), for removal of most if not all of the tumor during this surgery. Please pray for my healthcare team, my family, and my friends (especially y'all!).

Me three days after surgery in August 2013 on the day I went home from the hospital. 
UNC Hospital's food service rocked! Note all of the Carolina blue in the picture.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Great workout!

I had a fantastic workout today. I hopefully will be sore tomorrow (the sure sign of a great workout!). I have gotten into somewhat of a routine of working out several times a week but not challenging myself. I was inspired by the spring-like weather to add some weight to my bar at Body Pump tonight. It was a tough class but it felt great! Looking forward to an awesome run tomorrow!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My four legged friend

I have so much to be thankful for, especially at the end of an absolutely gorgeous Sunday!

Today I am especially grateful for my sweet horse Belle.

Belle has been a part of my life for the past 13 years! She and I have been through a lot together. We have had our ups and downs and her horseshoe and hay habits keep me perpetually broke.

She brings me such joy. She is a real sweetheart and a fun horse to be around. She has a lot of personality. Everyone at the barn loves her. Since my surgery I have been able to ride more without being dizzy and it is great!

We had a quick ride this afternoon. She was acting silly (i.e. spooking at the monsters that surely live in the trees by the ring) so I did not ride for too long. But we so enjoyed each other's company and she definitely enjoyed the carrots I brought for her!

A time to honor

I am a little late in my last post for the week, but wanted to share my thoughts.

This coming Friday, March 14th, marks one year from the death of my Grand-mom. She lived a full and wonderful life. Saturday, her birthday, we will have a family gathering to celebrate and honor her life. Even my Uncle Jim who moved to Portland when I was in 7th grade is making the trip! I don't get to see him often, and am really excited to visit with him, and introduce him to Russell.

I am also really happy that my Granddad is up for a weekend full on family time. As expected, he has had a tough year. He has been working through deep sadness and loneliness. It has been emotional, but I am so thankful that he has not tried to keep his sadness hidden.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Eyes wide open

As I drove home after a very long day, full of students making some unfortunate and troublesome choices, I reflected about one of the biggest take-aways that I have learned in my eight years of teaching. Keep the blinders off and ears ready to listen. In my experiences, I have seen parents struggle to accept the decisions, as well as academic uncertainties of their student. They have the blinders on, blocking their ability to recognize that the problem that their child is facing is one that they need help overcoming.

I am grateful to have experienced the perspective from the other side before Russell arrived. I hope that I can hold this perspective close to me, so that when struggles come up, I have my eyes wide open.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Animal memes..."pun" times

I know that some consider puns the lowest form of humor, but I just can't get enough of them. When I need a good belly-ache inducing laugh, I find some animal themed memes, which, often include puns. I enjoy the animal themed ones the most because of the hilarious facial expressions.  Today I needed a good laugh to relieve some of the stress from my week, so I found my favorite meme (see the top left picture), as well as a new meme (see Hawkward).

Paul also knows how easily tickled I am by these sorts of memes, so he often sends me texts with a few. He does this especially when he knows that I am having a stressful day or week at work. I am grateful that he knows how to make me laugh... or to be totally honest, guffaw. I am even more grateful that he knows that laughter is probably my favorite remedy to feelings of stress, and that even though he doesn't get as much of a kick out of the animal memes, he searches new ones out for me.

Paul sent me the perm meme last Spring sometime. It is still my favorite. I know it may sound strange, but I think about this meme at least every other week, and have a little chuckle. I think it's the cats face that gets me.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Snuggle Time!!

Today I am feeling grateful for my bed. I know that may sound a bit lame, but this was one of those days that I woke up looking forward to the time that I would be able to lay back down again tonight. I feel fortunate to have a bed that is comfortable and warm. I love that it is a place where I can snuggle with the two big snugglers in the McCarty crew, Annabelle and Ru.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Open lines of communication

Yesterday I had a conversation with one of my colleagues about an online school called Georgia Cyber Academy. He worked there before coming to DHS this year. As some of you know, I am beginning to look at some new directions for work. Even considering looking for some alternative work options put a knot in my stomach, but I feel that it may be time for a change. I love my job at DHS, and do not really want to leave, but also know that I need to start considering ways to work closer to home. I have been looking at lots of online jobs, and finally decided that I should get some information for teaching online. 

My colleague gave me clear details about job expectations, as well as pros and cons for working at an online school. He shared with me areas that he felt would be a strength for me, as also explained the rather steep initial learning curve. I am grateful for his honesty about the job that I applied for. Although I have decided to continue with the application process, he helped prepare me with some questions if the company decides they are interested in interviewing. 

Monday, March 3, 2014


Today I am grateful for the delicious meal that I had waiting for me when I got home tonight. It was BBQ pulled pork with sauteed golden beet greens, roasted golden beets, and yummy apple sauce. BBQ is one of my comfort foods for certain, and for whatever reason, I find meals even more comforting when I haven't cooked them.

Looking forward to my lunch tomorrow!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Technology Tools

I can't believe that we have gone through our first grateful cycle! I have really enjoyed reading all of your daily gratitudes over the past six weeks. 

Today I am grateful for educational technology tools that allow me to build student specific math assistance. Over the past two weeks, I have been working to try to figure out a way to help one of my senior students re-learn the topics in the first three unit of her senior math class. She is currently failing, but her teacher and I agreed on a way for her to recover some credit. I would never be able to keep up with the demands of supporting students on such vastly different levels without the help of online programs that allow you to individualize subject specific videos and practice. Some of these programs also allow you to create discussions and give feedback on the assigned student work as well. 

For the senior student in question, I learned a new online tool called "Mybigcampus" that allows me to create classes and assignments. More importantly, it allows me to load videos from Khan Academy so that my students can watch and re-watch topics that they are struggling in. Khan Academy uses YouTube for its videos, and YouTube is blocked at school, so I had to figure out a way to overcome that issue. In addition to creating assignments, I can see her progress and keep data about her work Compiling data to show how you are addressing individual student needs is a must for teachers these days.